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Baja Rally 2018: Dates and starting fees announced for Mexican Ensenada Rally

lang Editor: Hansy Schekahn lang Photos: See credits under article   lang In database since December 11, 2017 and Rally Comp have announced plans for a sixth consecutive edition its multi-day navigation rally-raid competition in the Mexican State of Baja California next October 8-13, 2018. Continuing in partnership with Rally Playero Entertainment’s Coast to Coast Rally 2018, Baja Rally LLC  and Rally Comp also confirmed the perpetuity of the Mexican National Cross Country Championship for 2018.  
Planning ahead pays off in many ways. Returning racers who have started any prior Baja Rally event or graduated from Baja Rally School automatically save 40% ($1,430) off a standard motorbike entry if they apply to enter Baja Rally 2018 in December 2017. Standard, first time motorbike racers pay $3,515 beginning April 1. Returning racers pay only $2,085 in December only.

The newly updated website revealed the addition of the Malle Moto category which will be co-managed by the notable adventure tour operator Juan Carlos Pacheco and BAJA VOYAGER. Riders will not receive any mechanical support and will have 2 gear boxes and spare wheels transported to each bivouac. It’s one of the best ways to make an already challenging rally even harder to complete.

Baja Rally School, the 3-day training academy and school program that also serves as a qualifying event for entry to Baja Rally, is giving a $500 scholarship credit to any Baja Rally 2018 entrant as of January 15th. Any entrant wishing to take the 3-day Baja Rally School between December 2017 and June 2018 will be eligible (space is limited).  
The Baja Rally is the first ever road-book navigation rally raid for motorcycles and UTV’s hosted by the Mexican State of Baja California. As the fastest-growing event of its kind, the Baja Rally remains focused on the 3 goals of safely growing the ecologically friendly sport of navigation rally while bringing cultural and historical education to participants and stimulating return visits be eco-tourism enthusiasts.

For more informations please visit the official website at | BAJARALLYMOTO.COM |.

Photo: Baja Rally


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